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M.Arch Professional Studies 3 - Designing an Architectural Business

The Design of Gen.Y

Founding Gen.Y

Gen.Y was the product born out of endless brainstorming sessions with an ambitious, talented team of 12 students of Manchester School of Architecture. 

For our PS3 assignment which briefed us to design an architectural business, we designed our very own architectural and multi-disciplinary company model of Gan.Y

Gen.Y was founded by architects, technologists, designers and engineers. The company focused on Post Occupancy Evaluation [POE] of new and existing buildings in order to better understand the dynamic aspects of a building, understand user engagement to building resources and provide optimum and innovative solutions using big data analysis.

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Big Data Analysis

Via the creation of Gene.Y app for users, the Gen.Y company used Big Data Analysis to understand the user statistics, analyse the raw data, draw conclusions and provide customly curated solutions for each building project.

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Mapping green spaces in context
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An interface communication between Gene.Y the bot and Gen.Y's clients

Interface showing how Gene.Y can be used to track a project's progress

Interface showing how a client can view the analysed data and suggest further discussions

A rimeline showing how client can get a detailed report on a project's progress

Gene.Y Tech
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Gene.Y technology as a design caters to 8 different usages of clents, building users, project contractors and the team at Gen.Y. It acts as an active database providing a new set of information every second and helping to nurture the life of the project.

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Case Study - Google Office, Kungsbor, Sweden

As a part of the brief, we carried out a case study considering the Google office at Sweden as one of Gen.Y's clients. We took out inferences for the drawbacks of the building and carried out an exhaustive evaluation to suggest the areas that needed work. Through the Gene.Y Technology and the data provided by the users of the building, we were able to infer the areas that could use an improvement.

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Approaching clients and work acquisition

As a business, we articulated the ways in which we can procure clients, new work and get our company recognised.

We also re-established a flowchart that re arranges the way traditional project systems work, the new layout suggesting that clients and architects are in close contact throughout the process and the architects communicating with the all of the project teams since the beginning of work.

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 © 2020 by Shambhavi Joshi

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